As you know from previous posts Caleb has started a new athletic endeavor (sounds so important!) - BASKETBALL! Robert and I have never been too big of basketball fans but lets just say we are getting into the spirit. It is definately a faster paced game than baseball or football in my opinion. So we start off our Saturdays in the month of January and February with The Maypearl Panther basketball games - alot of fun for all of us. Caleb's team is doing well and if I am correct they have either won or tied all of the games so far.
This particular Saturday was all about basketball from the morning till the evening. Aunt Jessica invited us to a Mavs game in her company suite. We decided to make it a boys night out and Robert and I left the girls with their Mimi and took Caleb and Scott and Ashley took Carson. We had a blast! Robert was a little under the weather but he still had a great time. They played the Chicago Bulls and came out the winner after going into overtime. The score was 115 - 114. This was Caleb's first Mavericks Game and he loved it - of course he also loved that his Aunt Jessica once again spoiled him with a Mavs jersey and hat!

Here the boys are showing off their Mavs gear!

Ashley and I taking timeout for a picture.

A night out with my two favorite men!

The boys getting into the game!
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