Thursday, July 29, 2010

I have a blog??!!

Well as you can tell I seem to be forgetting about this little part of my life! Can't believe it has been six months since my last post. Maybe I should just do twice a year updates! Summer is almost over for us here at the Heller household - I am sad about that however I have two trips coming up in just a few days to look forward to. First we are heading up to DeGray Lake to camp for a week and from there I will take the kids up to Tennessee to visit their MeMaw and PePaw. I guess since the previous post we have had two more kid birthdays, a dance recital, a baseball season and a partridge in a pear tree! Will get to the posting of pictures here soon but right now I have to be off to get Kelsey sized for her dance shoes for this Fall and get Caleb to baseball practice for the upcoming season ( yes I am weeping a little for the Fall activities already intruding on my summer!)