Of course living in Texas we don't get the usual snowfall as up north and that is exactly why I live down here and not up there! Our snow usually consist of sleet and ice and on rare occasions that we do get snow it doesn't last long. This year around we had the ice. Enough to get the kids out of school early on Tuesday and off on Wednesday. Caleb and Kelsey were so excited and couldn't wait to get out in it. I had to remind them that of course you really couldn't play in it b/c it was pretty much ice and below that mud - we are still working on growing grass! Needless to say they had a good time "skating" on our back patio as Chloe looked on in the nice warm house. Too cold for me to spend 15 minutes to bundle her up and only 2 minutes outside! She got to atleast watch them through the screen glass door while they played!!
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