Well Chloe has now officially found where we put all the food! As usual everytime I start to prepare dinner I have at least 2 of the 3 kids at my heels wanting everything and anything. I try my best to multitask but sometimes it can be very hard when you are working with a hot stove or boiling water! Needless to say when Kelsey and Chloe were keeping themselves occupied in our laundry room/pantry I figured the worse Chloe could be doing was eating the dog food - yes she has done this before! But when I didn't hear the metal bowl banging I peered in only to see this:

Looks like I am going to have to rearrange my pantry and put the canned foods at the bottom. She can't get into those - atleast I hope not!! Oh and after the cookies were up at the very top she moved onto of course what else - Goldfish! By the way she didn't eat a whole lot of dinner - she was full from the 3 cookies!
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