Friday, September 4, 2009

Port Aransas

So for the last three years Robert and I have taken the kids camping a week or two before school starts. I am always trying to find traditions that we can make our own and this has become one! The first year we went down to San Marcos with some friends, last year Lake Whitney and this year Port Aransas again with some camping friends. My mother joined us also on this trip and we all had a blast.

This was Chloe's first trip to the ocean and she loved it. No fear of the water for her! She also loved to chase all the birds on the beach. If we weren't careful she would be half way down the beach before we realized it. She was so sure that she could catch one I guess!

We had a professional sand castle builder (yes there is such a thing!) come out and show the kids and adults how to build a sand castle. It was fun but of course the girls didn't have any attention for that! Caleb along with the other boys kind of came and went but overall it was fun to do and we got a pretty cool looking sand castle built too!

We relaxed (if you can really do that with three kids!) on the beach and hung out in the evenings cooking at our campsite.

One night we went into Port Aransas and had seafood. The kids also tried out the bungee jump contraption. Both Caleb and Kelsey liked it however there was some convincing on Kelsey's part and Caleb wouldn't look forward the whole time he was on it!

Again we had a great time and now we are back to school - this summer went by way to fast for us!