Kelsey had Western Day at her preschool today and she dressed the part! A family friend had made this outfit a year ago for both Kelsey and Chloe and we found the perfect time to wear it! Of course the pink cowgirl boots had to be worn with them and to tie the outfit off she let me put in pony tails with braids. She used to wear pony tails all the time and bows too but this past year she has done away with the bows and only likes braids or one pony tail. I didn't think at 3 she would already be done with bows. I still think there might be a little more time left with her yet on those! My little girl is getting big fast and I love her conversations lately - nothing more interesting than to hear a 3 year old go on and on about anything and everything. Today after school she told me "Mommy, Jesus stopped the storm!" One of the many bible verses she learns at school and she definately remembers them. She also loves to play school at home with her Bubba, Mommy and Daddy. She pretends to be Ms. Wendy (her preschool teacher) and is always having us sit criss cross applesauce. Hard to believe in a few short months she will be 4 years old!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Our Little Cowgirl!
Posted by The Heller's at 3:36 PM 0 comments
The dreaded day!
Well it finally happened! The minute we moved out to the country I dreaded the day and it finally came. My mouse encounter!!! It was a normal sunny Wednesday afternoon. Kelsey, Chloe and I were anxiously awaiting a visit from Mimi. (Cue the happy music please!!) We don't get too many visitors to our house so I was picking up around the house listening to Kelsey ask me every 5 minutes when her Mimi was coming. I was headed out to the garage and I still don't remember why (I guess the near fatal heart attack gave me temporary amnesia!) and loe and behold there it was. To make matters worse I almost stepped on it before I realized what it was. After I passed it by I then did an over the shoulder look and saw a good size field mouse sitting on my back door mat just hanging out. At least I would like to think it was just hanging out but according to Robert if it didn't move when I screamed at the top of my lungs it was probably in a little bit of a comatose due to the poison it probably just ingested. The back door was still wide open and another one of my greatest fears was staring me in the face. It was going to come inside! I screamed at Kelsey who was in the living room - luckily Chloe was asleep otherwise she would probably attempt to play with it and I don't know what I would have done then. She might have had a playmate until someone else could come along and move her! I wasn't about to go 10 feet near it. Anyways, I digress, Kelsey came running and almost came outside until I quickly yelled at her to shut the door and I would come around to front door. Luckily it was already open! So as she screams and cries she shuts the door and runs around to the front door. I run around to the front and quickly pick her up and apologize for screaming at her and explain it was only mommy yelling for her own safety (ha ha)!! We decided to check out the mouse again from a much further distance and the poor thing is still sitting on my door mat. Even an attempt to scare it away by throwing something at it didn't work. So it sat there for a few hours and made us avoid going out into the garage for awhile. Eventually it left whether on its own accord or by Sadie - our dog who tends to also play with skunks - it didn't turn up again until my brother almost stepped on it the next day outside. He generously picked it up and threw it in the trash for me. I made him put it under other trash - I couldn't even stare at it when it wasn't alive! So another day goes by in the life of a country girl and I am sure I will have another similar situation again - reminds me to get those barn cats soon!!
Posted by The Heller's at 11:07 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Bad Hair Day!

Posted by The Heller's at 7:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The Great Cookie Caper!
Well Chloe has now officially found where we put all the food! As usual everytime I start to prepare dinner I have at least 2 of the 3 kids at my heels wanting everything and anything. I try my best to multitask but sometimes it can be very hard when you are working with a hot stove or boiling water! Needless to say when Kelsey and Chloe were keeping themselves occupied in our laundry room/pantry I figured the worse Chloe could be doing was eating the dog food - yes she has done this before! But when I didn't hear the metal bowl banging I peered in only to see this:

Looks like I am going to have to rearrange my pantry and put the canned foods at the bottom. She can't get into those - atleast I hope not!! Oh and after the cookies were up at the very top she moved onto of course what else - Goldfish! By the way she didn't eat a whole lot of dinner - she was full from the 3 cookies!
Posted by The Heller's at 6:11 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Let's Go Mavs!

Here the boys are showing off their Mavs gear!

Ashley and I taking timeout for a picture.

A night out with my two favorite men!

The boys getting into the game!
Posted by The Heller's at 1:08 PM 0 comments