Posted by The Heller's at 12:17 PM 0 comments
Posted by The Heller's at 12:06 PM 0 comments
Well today was Caleb's 1st basketball game. He has always participated in Tball and soccer but this was his first try at basketball. Despite him being vertically challenged, esp. for his age, he scored two baskets!! (Is that what you call it baskets not goals??) Mommy is also new to the whole basketball thing too. Robert and I were never big basketball people but we are starting to enjoy it more and more. A little faster paced to me than baseball and more scoring going on! Anyway we were very proud of him today and his cousins who also had games this morning. Nothing like getting out and supporting your hometown kids sports programs! Oh and Kelsey and Chloe did great sitting through the games too!
Posted by The Heller's at 11:57 AM 0 comments
Our New Year Celebration was a little different this time around. For the first time in the 13 years that Robert and I have celebrated this holiday together - we weren't together this year! Instead I was home with the kids and Robert was at our cousins home. We started off together at my cousins but b/c of Chloe still getting over the stomach bug mom and I decided to take the girls home around 10:30. Since Caleb was not feeling to well we decided to take him home too. Sure enough about 10 minutes into the car ride home he decides it is time to throw up - and he did! All over my floors b/c of course he didn't unbuckle and move to the window. Seven year olds still aren't familiar with the hanging the head out the window and throwing up there yet! So we all got to drive home for the next 10 minutes with the wonderful aroma of that. (Robert got to clean that up the next morning since he missed out on all the fun!) Needless to say when the clock struck midnight the girls were already fast asleep along with my mother in the other room and Caleb woke up once again right at that time so I could hold the trashcan for him to throw up in - thank goodness that is much easier clean up than the car! So as I said before no New Years Eve kiss for us and I wasn't about to kiss Caleb!
Posted by The Heller's at 2:57 PM 0 comments