November was a busy time for the Heller household! Chloe turned one on November 20th, we had her birthday party the weekend of Thanksgiving and prior to that we also had Thanksgiving at our new home. Note to self - do not have two things at our house in one weekend!
Hard to believe but our youngest is already one years old. Not walking yet but getting very close. She is standing up and crawling all over the place. She is into everything of course but she is still a very calm baby - nothing like Kelsey was! Maybe she has to be with her brother and sister always running around. Her birthday party was alot of fun - we did a hayride and bonfire - firsts at the new home. We love living in the country! Have to also mention mom and I were quite impressed with ourselves on the cake. I decided this year since it was a barnyard theme and also on Thanksgiving weekend (not too many cake stores open) that I should make the cake. Didn't we do a good job??!!

It is beginning to feel a lot like Christmas. With the temperatures dropping we are also getting into the Christmas spirit. I am baking lots of cookies and the kids are constantly wanting Hot Chocolate. Along with the low temperatures the wind is pretty strong out here too especially with no trees to block it out. We will be working on the tree situation in the spring! The kids are loving their warm cozy pj's and I am loving tucking them in earlier than usual and getting myself into a warm bed early too! Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!

how fun! our youngest turned one on 11/29, so we have close babies! :0)
Hey guys!!! Its great to see you have a blog to help us all keep in touch better. We also have one ... I can't believe how big the kiddos are ... wow time flies. I am glad that your moved into your new house ... post of pics. Talk soon!!
oops ... its
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